A ritual for energetic cord cutting

A ritual for energetic cord cutting

Find a quiet place and light some candles. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Then perform this visualization exercise:


Picture a thick cord coming from the center of your body, traveling deep into the earth and tying you safely to the core. Grounding you and protecting you.

Now imagine the person, place or thing you wish to let go.

Visualize a physical cord with this relationship and imagine cutting it. Tell this person, place or thing that you love them and are grateful for them but will no longer be tied to them. Remove the cords.

Visualize the cord you tied to the earth coming back to your center. 

Bring your awareness back to reality and move your body.

Whenever I have done a cord cutting I ask Archangel Michael to step in too. As he is the highest of all angels and our protector. His color is blue and he carry’s a shield and a very large sword. I ask Archangel Michael to step in and with his sword to cut the cord between the two souls.

When doing this I’ve seen many different things happen as I visualize. I never know what is going to take place. One time I saw the person falling into the darkness as if we were just floating in space and they were just falling into the darkness. I knew the cord had been cut.

Now there is no wrong way to do this. Do what feels right. You might have to do this more than once and that’s ok. Follow your intuition, as it knows the way.

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