The Concept of Personal Year Numerology
This number is of most importance as it uncovers your life purpose and the path you’ve chosen to walk in this life. It indicates the kind of life experiences you’ll encounter and the lessons you’ll learn along the way.
Also known as the World Year Number is the total of the current calendar year. For example: 2022 (2+0+2+2) = 6 Universal year number. You can think of the Universal Year Number as the Personal Year Number for the world, which influences humanity as a whole. It has the same meaning as a personal year except it applies to the world rather than an individual.
Like the seasons in a year, your life is an ongoing pattern of cycles designed for your personal growth. In numerology, each cycle has it's own unique theme with specific experiences you may encounter within that period of time. In other words, when it comes to forecasting your future, numerology provides the gift of “ added insight” so you know what lies ahead and can be better prepared.
Personal years come in 9 year cycles. Every single one of us experience a new personal year at the beginning of the new year. Once you complete a 9 year cycle you start at number 1 again. Each of the 9 years has it's own unique theme with respect to the types of lessons and experiences you'll encounter for that year. In comparison with your other forecasting numbers, your Personal Year Number has the most obvious influence over your life for the year.
Personal Year Numerology Calculator
I find that people get confused when doing the math so you can use a personal year calculator to calculate yours. Link below: copy & paste into a new window
Personal Year 1: This is a year of new beginnings, independence, initiation, and achievement. It holds more clarity than last year and is the start of a new nine-year cycle. It’s time to plant the seeds for what you want to see grow and mature during the next nine-year cycle. It truly is a breath of fresh year and a clean slate. Anything is possible.
Independence is your mantra.
Personal Year 2: Relationships and patience are the themes for this personal year. This is the perfect year to slow down and develop patience. Once the three-year period of intensity and transformation passes (8,9, & 1) you get an opportunity to slow down, breathe, and focus on other people.
This is a time where you can put emotions and relationships into the spotlight.
While the previous year was likely active and very career-driven, the present is suited for “us”. This year is all about love in all of its various forms. It’s also a slow-moving year that is about testing your trust in the correct timing.
You are much more capable of establishing lifelong friendships in this time as your sensitivity and openness are heightened. In fact, most people find their soul mate in this personal year.
Personal Year 3: This is a year for anything and everything self-improvement-related. It’s all about fun, creativity, and tapping into your expressive emotions.Ultimately the lesson of the year resides in finding your joy, developing and acting upon your creativity, and speaking your truth. Understand that this can also be a year where you’ll be challenged to work on expressing your emotions clearly and effectively, so you’ll be offered plenty of opportunities to practice this.
The 3 Personal Year is meant for fun, socializing, travel, and all lighter and joyful activities. This is a time to be overly mindful of how and why you express yourself on all levels. This is a fun playful year but you can also have financial hardships in a 3 year.
Personal Year 4: This is a more serious year requiring hard work to set the foundation for whatever you’re working on: job, relationships, health, or family. Often the first part of a 4 Personal Year feels good in the same way committing to a deep-cleaning of your house feels good. It’s like starting to clean out the closets, donate stuff that hasn’t been used in years. It’s a time of really getting your living space in order,
Since the energy of the number 4 is all about foundations, often you’ll find yourself building a house or moving to a new home this year. Home and your sense of security can take front seat. When you’re experiencing a 4 cycle you’ll also work with limitation in various forms. How does this show up for you? A 4 Personal Year can challenge you with health, family, and career issues having to do with “limitation.” What limitations are to be worked with and negotiated through? What limitations do you actually create for yourself that aren’t necessary?
It’s a year to pay special attention to your health.
A 4 cycle also tests you with some old family issues bubbling to the surface needing to be resolved or dealt with differently. All in all, you’ll glean the most satisfaction from your 4 Personal Year when you take the time to focus on goals, systematize your life in whatever way will make it much more effective in the years to come—whether that’s by focusing on work, getting your house in order, reviving your health, or healing family issues.
Personal Year 5: Lots of unexpected opportunities are bound to come your way, so be open to trying new things. It’s time to travel and tap into your sense of fearless adventure—not necessarily a time to make a long-term commitment.
Change is your mantra and you’re getting ready for transitions toward the end of the year, yet the first part of the year might have you spinning. After the more practical energies of your 4 Personal Year, the energy of the 5 can feel intoxicating. Often the year starts out with a bang right out of the chute. You’ll often be met with new people, new experiences, and new opportunities. Anytime you can opt to venture off your beaten track is favored in a 5 Personal Year. This is a progressive time when you’ll be pushed to explore the sensual side of life.
This is a pivotal year—remember it’s mid-way through your 9 year Personal Year Cycle. This year can be a turning point for change and transition.
Personal Year 6: It’s a year devoted to home, family, and responsibility—a time to regroup, nurture, and be nurtured.
There will be heightened levels of family-based responsibility this year. This is a time where all relationships are highlighted. It’s a good year to get married or engaged if you’ve been hovering around that decision. A lot of people have children or get pregnant in a year 6. In 2005 I was experiencing a 6 year when I got pregnant with my son.
This is a perfect year to attract “the one” or to recommit and “grow” your current intimate relationship. It’s also a time where you may seek a divorce, a break-up, or other relationship splits.
Oftentimes this is a year where you’ll be asked to take on some additional responsibilities with friend and family that may come in the form of a wedding, graduation, birth of a baby, military deployment, a loved one’s health crisis, or any other unusual family event. The trick is to participate in the way you want to participate.
Personal Year 7: This year is all about diving inward. While you may see yourself functioning fairly normally, this is a time where you’ll be heavily involved in deep inner work. It’s a spiritual year—meaning, you’ll have many opportunities to test your sense of spirituality, however you define it.
This is a year where your faith and trust will be tested and you’ll feel as though you want to retreat from the static of the outside world. You’ll feel more quiet, detached, and introspective than usual, so don’t let that surprise you.
It’s a year where you’re gathering data, collecting knowledge, and probing your own inner depths. Don’t push it—that can wait until next year when you start a three-year transition cycle. This is the year for a retreat, sabbatical, or just additional “alone” time.
Your mission—should you choose to accept it—is to explore the depths of your soul’s calling and be willing to recalibrate yourself so that you come into alignment with the you that you’re excavating this year. This can be a valuable time to evaluate your sense of independence and how you’ve chosen to take the lead in your life. The energy of last year was a perfect segue into the internal, contemplative energies of your 7 Personal Year.
Personal Year 8: It’s a power year, baby! This is the time to focus on money, finances, and personal power. Just fair warning: This is the first year of a three-year “push” time. This is the start to a period of intensity focusing first on your financial health and personal sense of empowerment. Next year is the end of a cycle and the year after will be the start of a new cycle. So this year is setting the groundwork.
Time to hit the ground running and focus your actions and energies on creating the financial abundance you want.
It’s a year where you can experience big financial ups and downs, so be prepared to tap into your resilience. You’ll be in work overdrive and also be handed opportunities to test your personal power. Not once. Not twice. But over and over again all year long. This is truly a time to get laser-focused about what you want and how you want to get there.
Remember that the energy this year, next, and the year after is focused on empowerment, transformation, and then new beginnings. This is often a career-focused time and yet relationships of all kinds come under scrutiny this year insofar as where you’re empowered and where you’re disempowered.
Personal Year 9: This is the end of a nine-year cycle. It’s a year of completion, unraveling, and letting go of the old to make space for change. This change can be somewhat dramatic and tumultuous—affecting possessions, relationships, jobs, geographical location, spirituality, and health. It’s all under review this year.
This is the year that’s inviting you (oh, let’s be honest, it’s forcing you) to move on to an even more expansive cycle in your life if you choose to let go and allow what’s no longer serving you to fall away.
Don’t despair at all the “heaviness”—this is also a year where you can revel in the successful culmination of all that you’ve been working toward for the past eight years. It’s a time where your dreams can manifest almost instantly if you’re ready to let go of everything that’s no longer serving your best interests.
It’s going to be a matter of evaluating what’s finished and no longer serving a positive function and then moving forward without a net. You know people who are in a marriage or a relationship that’s over with and yet they won’t get a divorce or break up with their partner until they have another love interest waiting in the wings? Well, metaphorically speaking, the 9 Personal Year won’t allow you to do that. You must break it off and then manage and master that empty space of nothingness for a while.
Sources: Felicia Bender (my favorite numerologist has amazing explanations on life path number’s if you want to dive in. Think of your life path # like your sun sign in astrology), Numerology made easy by: Michelle Buchanan
I’ve been studying numbers for years now as well as doing clients numerology charts. And in my personal opinion 7 & 9 years tend to be the toughest. But that doesn’t mean they need to be. See we all have our own spiritual blue print map that we created before we got here. And we need to learn certain lessons, and have certain experiences. The universe is just trying to guide us on the blueprint we created for ourselves. Some peoples lessons and journeys are harder than others. Trust me I know. But we also wouldn’t be the people we are without the experiences that have shaped us. So as I’ve had to learn, if you can take your hands off the steering wheel, and allow your guides to show you the way. Things will get easier especially in those 7 & 9 years.
Whatever year you’re in it goes in order, so if you’re in a 9 year in 2022, you’ll be in a 1 year in 2023.
If you’re currently in a 6 personal year, 2023 will be a 7 year and so on.