Just like you need to charge your phone, you need to keep up with charging your crystals. Charging them regenerates their power. I've compiled a list of some of the ways to help you do that.
Methods to Charge your Crystals
1. My first and favorite way to charge my crystals is with the energy of the full moon. Just place your crystals under the bright light of the full moon and collect them in the morning.
I personally like to get them in the morning because it also allows the energy
from the sun to charge them as well.
**Please note: Never charge your crystals under a full moon eclipse.
Eclipse energy is chaotic and your crystals will store that energy.
2. A salt bath. Submerge your crystals in a bowl of water *(not all crystals can get wet or should come in contact with salt). Once the crystals are in water I pour the salt in. I recommend pink Himalayan salt or unrefined sea salt. Let them sit in it for at least 4 hours. If you can leave them over night even better. The salt also washes away any stored energy the crystal has. This method is wonderful for when you first bring home a new crystal.
3. Give them a sound bath. There are different methods to do this. I for instance use altar bells or put on Tibetan singing bowl music. If you have a singing bowl you can put the crystal beside the bowl while you use it. Using sound shifts the frequencies.
4. Burn sage or palo santo over and under them.
5. Bury them in the ground. I have personally never tried this method but many crystal shops I work with highly recommend it so I want to acknowledge it. You can put your crystal in a jar before you bury it. Find a spot and dig a hole and put your crystal in the jar and bury it for one week. Make sure you mark the spot you buried it in. This helps charge your crystal with the powerful properties of the ground it came from.